
2019-10-06 1155




主要研究领域包括交通网络规划与管理、交通大数据分析与建模、公共交通、多模式物流网络、智能交通系统等。迄今为止在这些领域中发表学术论文百余篇,其中被Transportation Research Part B/Part C/Part E, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transport Systems等SCI/SSCI期刊检索70余篇(第一或通讯作者48篇)。受邀撰写英文专著章节2篇。Google Scholar引用1400余次。

担任交通研究领域知名SCI期刊ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 以及IET Intelligent Transport Systems副主编,担任国际期刊International Journal of Transportation、Journal of Transport and Land Use(SSCI)编委,交通领域国际会议WCTR多模式货运交通分委会创立委员(Founding Member)。受邀担任40余个SCI/SSCI期刊的审稿人,近年来审阅数百篇期刊论文投稿。曾担任多个SCI期刊的特刊编辑,及多个国家和高校的基金、硕博论文评审人。受邀至十余个国际会议(大会全场报告)及多个国家的100余个知名大学与部门进行学术报告,并多次组织及主持国际会议分会场。


Dr. Zhiyuan (Terry) Liu is a Professor in the School of Transportation at Southeast University in Nanjing China. He attained his Ph.D degree from National University of Singapore (NUS) in Transportation Engineering in 2011. Prior to his studies in Singapore, he has obtained a Bachelor degree in Transportation Engineering from Southeast University. From 2011 to 2012, he worked as a postdoc research fellow in NUS. From 2012 to 2015, he was a lecturer in Monash University Australia, where he also served as the director of the Master of Transportation Systems Program. Any interested Ph.D applicants with a Master degree on Transportation Engineering or relevant areas are encouraged to apply for the international Ph.D program (with scholarship) in Southeast University at Nanjing China. If you have any queries, please email Dr. Liu for more information.

 联系方式(Contact Info):

Address:南京市江宁区东南大学路2号  东南大学交通学院(211189)


 主持科研项目(Research Projects, as PI):

  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71771050):基于多模式组合出行的新型停车换乘网络设计与优化方法,2018-2021

  2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(51638004):基于广义交通枢纽的城市多模式交通网络协同规划理论与方法--专题二:广义交通枢纽与多模式交通网络环境下的组合出行需求分析理论,2017-2021

  3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71501038),基于距离的拥堵收费策略对多模式交通网络平衡影响研究,2016-2018

  4. 江苏省科技计划青年基金(BK20150603),基于组合出行的城市多模式公交需求分析与网络规划方法研究,2016-2018

  5. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(51561135003):低碳化进程中城市多模式交通系统运营关键问题研究--专题二:面向低碳运营的城市交通系统资源配置与智能优化,2015-2018

  6. 澳大利亚维州商务与创新局制造与生产基金子课题,模块化建筑单元的多模式运输,项目总额:120万澳币,2014-2017

Selected SCI/SSCI Papers (*corresponding author)

  1. Liu, Z.*, Chen, X., Meng, Q., and Kim, I., 2018. Remote Park-and-Ride Network Equilibrium Model and Its Applications, Transportation Research Part B, 117, 37-62

  2. Chen, J., Jia, S., Wang, S.*, and Liu, Z., 2018. Subloop-based reversal of port rotation directions for container liner shipping network alteration, Transportation Research Part B, 118, 336-361.

  3. Chen, J., Liu, Z.*, Wang, S., and Chen X., 2018. Continuum approximation modeling of transit network design considering local route service and short-turn strategy, Transportation Research Part E, 119, 165-188.

  4. Gu, Z., Shafiei, S., Liu, Z., and Saberi, M.*, 2018. Optimal distance- and time-dependent area-based pricing with the Network Fundamental Diagram, Transportation Research Part C, 95, 1-28.

  5. Xing, J., Liu, Z.*, Wu, C. and Chen, S., 2018. Traffic Volume Estimation in Multimodal Urban Networks Using Mobile Phone Location Data, IEEE Intelligent Transport System Magazine.

  6. Liu, Z., Wang, S., Huang, K., Chen, J.*, and Fu, Y., 2018. Practical Taxi Sharing Scheme At large Transport Terminals, Transportmetrica B. DOI:10.1080/21680566.2018.1453391

  7. Tang, K.*, Chen, S., and Liu, Z., 2018. A Tensor-Based Bayesian Probabilistic Model for Citywide Travel Time Estimation Using Sparse Trajectories. Transportation Research Part C, 90, 260-280.

  8. Xu, M., Meng*, Q., and Liu, Z., 2018. Electric vehicle fleet size and trip pricing for one-way carsharing services considering vehicle relocation and personnel assignment, Transportation Research Part B, 111, 60-82.

  9. Huang, D., Liu, Z.*, Fu, X. and Blythe, P.T., 2018. Bus Network Design in a Multimodal Hub-and-Spoke Network Framework. Transportmetrica A. 14(8), 706-735.

  10. Tang, K., Chen, S.* and Liu, Z., 2018. Citywide Spatial-temporal Travel Time Estimation Using Big and Sparse Trajectories. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transport Systems, 99, 1-12.

  11. Gu, Z., Saberi, M.*, Sarvi, M., Liu, Z., 2018. A big data approach for clustering and calibration of link fundamental diagrams for large-scale network simulation applications. Transportation Research Part C, 94, 151-171.

  12. Huang, K., Liu, Z.*, Kim, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhu, T., 2018. Analysis of the influencing factors of carpooling schemes. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. in press.

  13. Chen, J., Wang, S., Liu, Z.*, and Guo, Y., 2018. Network-based optimization modeling of manhole setting for pipeline transportation, Transportation Research Part E, 113, 38-55.

  14. Liu, Z., Yu, B., Gu, Z.*, Zhong, N., 2018. Intermodal Transportation of Modular Structure Unit, World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 7(2), 99-123.

  15. Liu, Z.*, Wang, S., Zhou, B., and Cheng, Q., 2017. Robust Optimization of Distance-based Tolls in a Network Considering Stochastic Day to Day Dynamics, Transportation Research Part C, 79, 58-72.

  16. Liu, Z.*, Wen, Y., Wang, S. and Chen, J., 2017. On the Uniqueness of User Equilibrium Flow with Speed Limit, Networks and Spatial Economics, 17(3), 763-775.

  17. Wang, S., Liu, Z.*, and Qu, X., 2017. Weekly Container Delivery Pattern in Liner Shipping Planning Models, Maritime Policy & Management.DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2017.1295327

  18. Chen, J., Wang, S., Liu, Z.*, and Wang, W., 2017. Design of Suburban Bus Route for Airport Access. Transportmetrica Part A, 13(6), 568-589.

  19. Huang, D., Liu, Z.*, Liu, P, Chen, J., 2016. Optimal transit fare and service frequency of a nonlinear origin destination-based fare structure, Transportation Research Part E, 96, 1-19.

  20. Liu, Z.*, Wang, S., Chen, W. and Zheng, Y., 2016. Willingness to Board: A Novel Concept for Modeling Queuing Up Passengers, Transportation Research Part B, 90, 70-82.

  21. Gu, Z., Liu, Z.*, Nirajan S. and Yang, M., 2016. Video-based analysis of school students’ emergency evacuation behavior in earthquakes, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 18, 1-11.

  22. Bie, Y., Liu, Z.*, 2016. Evaluation of a Signalized Intersection with Hook Turns under Traffic Actuated Control Circumstance. Journal of Transportation Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/28ASCE29TE.1943-5436.0000763

  23. Bie, Y., Liu, Z.*, Lu, L., 2016. A Signal Coordination Algorithm for Adjacent Hook-turn Intersections. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 50(2), 197-213.

  24. Chen, J., Liu, Z.*, Zhu, S., and Wang, W., 2015. Design of limited-stop bus service with capacity constraint and stochastic travel time, Transportation Research Part E, 83, 1-15.

  25. Wang, S.*, Liu, Z., Bell, M., 2015. Profit-based maritime container assignment models for liner shipping networks, Transportation Research Part B, 72, 59-76.

  26. Liu, Z. and Bie, Y.*, 2015. Comparison of Hook-turn Scheme with U-turn Scheme Based on the Actuated Traffic Control Algorithm, Transportmetrica A, 11(6), 484-501.

  27. Wang, S., Liu, Z.*, and Qu, X., 2015. Collaborative mechanisms for berth allocation, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 29(3), 332–338.

  28. Liu, Z.*, Wang, S., Meng, Q., 2014. Optimal Joint Distance and Time Toll for Cordon-based Congestion Pricing, Transportation Research Part B, 69, 81-97.

  29. Zheng, Z.*, Liu, Z., Liu, C. and Shiwakoti, N., 2014. Understanding public response to a congestion charge: a random-effects ordered logit approach using revealed and stated preference data, Transportation Research Part A, 70, 117-134.

  30. Liu, Z.*, Wang, S. and Meng, Q., 2014. Toll pricing framework under logit-based stochastic user equilibrium constraints, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 48, 1121-1137.

  31. Wang, S., Liu, Z., Meng, Q.*, 2014. Segment-based alteration for container liner shipping network design, Transportation Research Part B, 72, 128-145.

  32. Liu, Z.* and Meng, Q., 2014. Bus-based park-and-ride system: a stochastic model on multimodal network with congestion pricing schemes, International Journal of Systems Science, 45(5), 994-1006.

  33. Meng, Q., Liu, Z.* and Wang S., 2014. Asymmetric Stochastic User Equilibrium Problem with Link Capacity Constraints and Elastic Demand, Transportmetrica A. 10(4), 304-326.

  34. Liu, Z.*, Meng, Q., Wang S., 2014. Variational inequality model for cordon-based congestion pricing under side constrained stochastic user equilibrium conditions, Transportmetrica A, 10(8), 693-704.

  35. Liu, Z., Meng, Q.*, Wang, S., Sun, Z., 2014. Global Intermodal Liner Shipping Network Design, Transportation Research Part E, 61, 28-39.

  36. Wang, S., Meng, Q. and Liu, Z.*, 2013. A Note on “Berth Allocation Considering Fuel Consumption and Vessel Emissions", Transportation Research Part E, 49(1), 48-54.

  37. Qu, X., Meng, Q. and Liu, Z.*, 2013. Estimation of number of fatalities caused by toxic gases due to fire in road tunnels, Accident Analysis and Prevention,50, 616-621.

  38. Wang, S., Meng, Q.*, Liu, Z., 2013. Fundamental properties of volume-capacity ratio of a private toll road in general networks, Transportation Research Part B, 47, 77-86.

  39. Bie, Y., Liu, Z., Ma, D.*, Wang, D., 2013. Calibration of platoon dispersion parameter considering the impact of number of lanes, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 139(2), 200-207.

  40. Liu, Z. and Meng, Q.*, 2013. Distributed Computing Approaches for Large-scale Probit-based Stochastic User Equilibrium Problems, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 47, 553-571.

  41. Yan, Y., Liu, Z.*, Meng, Q., Yu, J. 2013. Robust Optimization Model of Bus Transit Network Design with Stochastic Travel Time, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 139(6), 625-634.

  42. Wang, S., Meng, Q.* and Liu, Z., 2013. Bunker Consumption Optimization Methods in Shipping: A Critical Review and Extensions, Transportation Research Part E, 53, 49-62.

  43. Liu, Z. and Meng, Q.* and Wang, S., 2013. Speed-based Toll Design for Cordon-Based Congestion Pricing Scheme, Transportation Research Part C, 31, 83-98.

  44. Wang, S., Meng, Q.*, and Liu, Z., 2013. Containership scheduling with transit-time-sensitive container shipment demand, Transportation Research Part B, 54, 68-83.

  45. Liu, Z., Yan, Y.*, Qu, X., and Zhang, Y. 2013. Bus stop-skipping scheme with random travel time, Transportation Research Part C, 35, 46-56.

  46. Meng, Q.*, Wang, S. and Liu, Z., 2012. Network Design for Shipping Service of Large-scale intermodal liners, Transportation Research Record, 2269, 42-50.

  47. Meng, Q., Liu, Z.* and Wang, S., 2012. Optimal Distance-based Toll Design for Cordon-based Congestion Pricing Scheme with Continuously Distributed Value-of-time, Transportation Research Part E, 48(5), 937-957.

  48. Meng, Q.* and Liu, Z., 2012. Mathematical Models and Computational Algorithms for Probit-based Asymmetric Stochastic User Equilibrium Problem with Elastic Demand, Transportmetrica A, 8(4), 261-290.

  49. Meng, Q.* and Liu, Z., 2012. Impact Analysis of Cordon-based Congestion Pricing Scheme on Mode-Split of Bimodal Transportation Network, Transportation Research Part C, 21(1), 134-147.

  50. Meng, Q.* and Liu, Z., 2011. Trial-and-Error Method for Congestion Pricing Scheme under Side-Constrained Probit-Based Stochastic User Equilibrium Conditions, Transportation, 38(5), 819-843.


  1. 2016第一届滴滴算法大赛亚军、最具潜力奖

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